Thursday, 18 August 2016

How (and why) to become a more efficient JavaScript developer?

As I already mentioned a few times, the responsibility of a software developer that aims to become one of the top paid specialists is to always try to get better. But what does it exactly mean? Let's take a closer look at a few ways to not only become a better programmers, but also to help your entire team to work more efficiently, consuming less resources in the process.

Is writing more effective JavaScript code only about you? Definitely not!

Write resuable code

Don't think about your project as something that comes and go away. Each project is a chance to get better and... create some new reusable piece of code for use in other projects! If you make it a rule, soon you will be able to recreate any repetitive feature of modern web applications or websites even without using libraries such as jQuery. Talk about effective code!

Write maintainable code

Don't get satisfied with ugly code, even if it seems to work. You will create maintenance issues for iterations to come. That will greatly increase the cost of software development. Read this article to find out more about why software development costs differ so much project to project.

Loops and globals

Going even deeper, try to write better looks and avoid using globals in your JavaScript code.

How to improve you loops? For example, try to take statements out of them. If your code that accesses, say, a length property is within the loop, it will run each time the loop works. Perhaps you can get out without changing the way it works? Do it and make your code work faster.

Share some more advice on how a JavaScript developer can improve their code to the benefit of themselves and the entire company they're working at. Leave your comments below!

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