Wednesday, 20 July 2016

All the latest stuff from ECMAScript 2015

The last year's new 6th version of the ECMAScript standard (which in case you don't know provides the basis for the JavaScript language) introduce many new features that more experienced developers are talking about.

Some of the most notorious features of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) include:
  • the new "let' keyword to refer to a variable, which differs from the "var" keyword when it comes to scope,
  • the constant (const), which allows you to declare read-only reference to a value,
  • arrow functions, which are aimed at making your code more concise,
  • new methods for handling strings,
  • so called template literals to facilitate the creation of strings and performing string interpolation,
  • new static methods for the Array object.
And a lot more.

Now you can brush up on all of the new changes in ECMAScript 2015 in a short time with this collection of videos from different courses.

What makes ECMAScript 2015 so important?

If you're only starting your journey with JavaScript, ECMA is something you may know very little about. But as a matter of fact, it's the very basis of the language you're learning. ECMS is the standard of a scripting language and JavaScript is the implementation of the standard. Consequently, every time the ECMAScript is updated, JavaScript developers are in for many surprises.

Learning a lot about ECMA when you're at the beginning of your JavaScript journey will truly set you apart. Believe me or not, but there are many quite experienced (and skilled!) JavaScript that know next to nothing about ECMA! Now, with this handly list of videos, you will not be like them.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

What is proof of concept in software development?

Proof of concept is a term that is often used especially by startup people and refers to methods to assess the viability of one's idea.

For example, you can come up with an idea to create an app for cyclists. But are you sure that cyclists want it? Are you positive that they are willing to pay for it in a way you specified? You don't. Therefore, you ask your target audience, you create MVP (Minimum Viable Product, a minimum version of your future full product) and test it.

OK. What is the difference between proof of concept and proof of concept in software development?

Proof of concept in software development also refers to tests. But this time it's more about finding out whether the idea is viable technically, not in a business context. You may know that your idea makes sense business-wise. But can it be achieved in an optimal way. Can you developers build it an acceptable price and in an acceptable time. That's what proof of concept in software development is all about. You can find a more detailed article on this topic proof of concept in software development,

Speaking of proof of concept in software development and JavaScript, have you already checked this test web browser from Microsoft - the JavaScript Browser.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

New back-end for React apps

Interesting new offering for React.js developers out there.

Nova is introducing itself as a "new kind of back-end for React apps". It aims at removing the necessity of recreating repeatable functionalities such as comments, user accounts or forms every time you work on a react.js app.

There are a lot of great apps. They may have different topics, but if you look at them closely, you will notice that they are as a matter of facts the same thing as far as technicalities go.

That's what Nova creators noticed and that's why they created the new offering. It runs on top of Meteor and MongoDB.

What does it have exactly and how it works? You can learn all that here.